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Monday, August 30, 2010

Silap Tafsiran

Monday, August 30, 2010

(Sumber)“Mahar yang tinggi adalah musibah kepada ummah!”, laung khatib dari atas mimbar Jumaat.
Saya mendengar dengan teliti khutbah yang disampaikan.
Di kiri dan kanan, tidak ramai ahli Jumaat yang tersengguk lena. Celik mata, mungkin kerana intonasi khutbah yang panas.
“Biar pun kita tidak mempunyai peruntukan untuk menetapkan kadar maksimum mahar, setiap bapa terutamanya ibu harus sedar bahawa mahar itu adalah hadiah suami kepada isteri, dan bukannya harga yang ditebus oleh seorang lelaki bagi mendapat seorang perempuan dari ibu dan bapanya. Mahar bukan harga jualan!”, tegas khatib lagi.
Persoalan mahar memang agak sensitif bagi orang Arab.
Tolaklah ke tepi orang kaya di negara Teluk. Mahar mereka bukan cincin bertatah berlian atau plan takaful panjang sedepa. Mahar mereka ialah 2kg emas!
Tetapi di Jordan yang serba miskin ini pun bukan main dahsyatnya.
Ada mahar tunai, dan ada mahar tertangguh. Mahar tunai, kadarnya biasa-biasa sahaja. Tetapi mahar tertangguh yang disebut di dalam akad, bakal menjadi hutang sepanjang hayat suami kepada isterinya (baca: keluarga isterinya). Itu belum diambil kira rumah mafrusyat (berperabot lengkap) yang mesti disediakan menjelang perkahwinan.
Tidak terkejut diri saya, tatkala melihat ada masjid yang menyediakan tabung derma. Bukan derma anak yatim atau membesarkan masjid. Tetapi tabung membantu anak muda berkahwin!
“Betulkah kamu nak ke Bosnia?”, saya bertanya kepada abang tuan rumah sewa kami. Petang-petang musim bunga, sedap juga berbual sambil mencium bau ladang gandum yang menghijau di pinggir rumah.
“Ya. Bulan depan saya akan ke sana. Sebagai tentera pengaman PBB”, katanya.
“Kamu diarahkan ke?”, saya menyoal lagi. Sengaja meramahkan diri.
“Tidak. saya yang tawarkan diri!”, jawabnya.
“Oh, mengapa?”, terkejut juga saya dibuatnya.
“Kalau saya pulang dengan selamat, saya akan menerima pampasan dari kerajaan. Bolehlah buat modal berkahwin. Kalau saya mati, tak payah kahwin!”, jawabnya.
“Haha!”, saya ketawa kemudian terdiam.
Sampai begitu sekali, hingga terpaksa memilih antara kahwin dan mati. Umurnya pun sudah mencecah lewat 30an. Jarang benar saya temui orang Jordan yang berkahwin di usia 20an. Mengumpul wang sampai tua, untuk berkahwin.
Masalah mahar yang tinggi juga menjadi punca kepada satu ‘adat’ orang Arab yang saya ketahui. Sebaik sahaja perkahwinan berlangsung, ada sesetengah suami yang akan memukul isteri.
Agaknya untuk menggertak isteri supaya jangan main-main kerana sang suami sudah mengumpul duit setengah mati untuk mengahwininya!
Khatib terus menyampaikan khutbahnya. Pelbagai kisah dari Sirah Nabi SAW yang dipetik untuk dijadikan keterangan tentang persoalan mahar. Saya nampak orang-orang tua ramai yang tunduk. Mungkin terasa merah padam muka kerana pernah ‘menjual anak perempuan’ dengan mahar yang melampau-lampau.
“Lihat macam pelajar Malaysia!”, kata khatib.
Err, tersentak saya dibuatnya. Tiba-tiba pula kami disebut di dalam khutbahnya.
“Mereka berkahwin dengan cara yang lebih dekat dengan Sunnah. Mahar mereka hanyaJD25 dan mereka hidup sederhana!”, khatib ‘mendedahkan’ harga mahar yang lazim di kalangan pelajar Malaysia yang berkahwin semasa belajar.
Bulat mata jemaah masjid mendengarnya. JD25!!!

Usai solat Jumaat didirikan, sudah menjadi kelaziman kami untuk berbual-bual di perkarangan masjid. Suatu kenangan yang sukar dilupakan, manis sekali bertemu wajah dengan rakan-rakan setiap kali selesai bersolat di Masjid Jaafar ibn Abi Thalib di pekan Mazar ini.
Saya memasang telinga…
“Kalau macam ni, baik kita kahwin dengan akhwat Malaysia sahaja!”, kata pemuda-pemuda Arab yang berbual.
Aduh! Khutbah itu bukan berjaya mengurangkan mahar, sebaliknya memberikan pilihan baru. Mari buru akhawat Malaysia!
Salah nasihat…
ABU SAIF @ www.saifulislam.com

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Best homemade cat toys II

Friday, August 27, 2010
It's true: the best things in life are free. Cats don’t need expensive toys with a lot of bells and whistles to have a good time. A simple, safe, fun homemade toy will do just fine. The best cat toys will engage your cat’s natural instincts, give her exercise, and - best of all - give you an excuse to play.
Here are some homemade cat toys that will keep your furry friends fit and frisky.  Let them decide which one is best! 
Paper ball
It takes about five seconds to make this all-time favorite cat toy, and you can vary it to suit your cat. Try crumpling up various sizes, types and textures of paper to see what your cat likes best.  Use a whole sheet of crunchy paper to occupy your twenty pound bruiser, or a pretty bit of origami paper for a dainty princess. 
Paper balls are great because your cat can entertain himself even when you aren’t around. Toss a few balls on the floor before you head out for the day. To ratchet up the excitement, store the balls in a tub of catnip between uses or spritz lightly with a catnip spray.        
String is another classic cat toy. Dangle a length of string or a shoelace in front of your kitty so he can practice his jumps, or get a joint cardio work-out by dragging the string through the house while your cat chases you. To spice things up and give your cat a bigger target, tie a scrap of paper, a feather, or a carpet scrap to one end of the string. Tie the other end to a dowel or sturdy stick and go fishing for felines.  
Although string toys are inexpensive and entertaining, they definitely require supervision. It only takes a few seconds for a cat to swallow a piece of string and the results could be fatal.
Bags and boxes
Cats love empty bags and boxes and may vigorously defend their little homemade caves from you or other pets. Large paper bags are great (try grocery bags or those meant for composting leaves), but you can even use an old duffel bag or a cloth grocery bag. Avoid plastic bags since some cats will actually eat them. If the bag has handles, snip them off or knot them so they don’t get wrapped around your cat’s neck.
Try gently scratching the outside of the bag or box while the cat is inside. If a box is big enough, you can cut a few holes (from peep-hole sized to body sized) in the sides. Dangle a string in front of the holes, or poke in with a long feather. This is especially fun in multi-cat

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Best pets for the home

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pets can be the best things in our lives or they can be royal pains in the bum. If you want a pet you need to make sure that your home is big enough, that you have enough time to spend with a pet, and plenty of money for food and vets bills. If you have children you need to make sure that the pet you get is a patient and sociable animal. If you are trying to find a pet for an elderly person the something with a calm disposition and easily training abilities. A lot of things need to be thought about when getting a pet and here are a few reasons for and against getting a dog, cat, bird or hamster (source).
For a dog there are a few essential things you need. Space should be a big factor, if you have a bedsit there will be no space for a dog such as a Saint Bernard, however a two-story house with a large garden front and back would be perfect. Dogs generally enjoy and even thrive on human companionship and therefore do not like to be left alone for any length of time. If they have to be left on their own some dogs have a tendency to chew furniture so they need to be well trained. Dogs also need plenty exercise which can be great for getting the whole family fitter, however if you have a busy lifestyle this pet may not be the best for you. Food can be quite expensive depending on the size of the dog and type that you get so this needs to be thought about. There is also the horror of having to take your pet to the vet, this can make having a dog a very expensive venture. If you go on holiday, dogs need to either be left with friends of the family, someone they know and they have seen before or left at the kennels. However don't put your pet into the kennel too often as they could become insecure. If you treat a dog right they will reward you with loyalty and respect. This can feel very rewarding.
If a dog is too much work for you, maybe a cat is the answer. They are easier to look after in general and don't need walking. They still need company although many prefer to be outside hunting and left to their own devices. Again depending on the variety of food, and how much they need will determine just how expensive your cat may be. There could still the horror of vet bills but these don't really change whatever pet you have. Having a cat-flap means the cat can come and go as it pleases and if you can put that into the door of your shed or garage they will always have somewhere warm to sleep if you are out. I would recommend the electronic cat-flaps as these only let in the cat with the electronic tag on, meaning that no other cats can get in and either trash your house or eat your cats food. If you go away there are two choices, leave your cat with someone going and feeding them, this works better for cats that are out hunting. The other choice would be a cattery, the same idea as a kennel.
Maybe something smaller than a cat is what you are looking for, if so then a hamster is possibly the pet you are after. These small pets can be just as rewarding as the bigger pets. The cages can range from a simple box like cage to huge ones with runs, wheels and pipes going from one section to another. They can be a lot of work as their cages need to be cleaned regularly and fed. However they can be lots of fun with things like hamster wheels and other great toys. Be careful if you get two as you may end up with more than you bargained for. A hamster is more a family pet, especially if you have young children. It isn't easy for them to walk a dog, but they can certainly help feed the hamster, or clean its cage etc.
Perhaps you don't really fancy a little rodent in your home, as our final pet we have the bird. Birds can range in price and you have just a simple budgerigar or a more exotic creature. They need a cage, which will need to be cleaned out on a regular basis, toys to keep them amused and to encourage them to release any pent up feelings, this can stop any unwanted screeching from them. Some birds can be very noisy if they are stuck in their cage with nothing to do. There are many varieties of food, of toys, perches and cages for them and they will also need a blanket to darken their cage at night. They can be very sociable animals and a big part of everyday life in your household.
With all of these animals you can reap great rewards from them and live a very nice existence together. When choosing a pet, keep all these little tips in mind and you will have a long happy relationship with your pet for years to come.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Bayangkan begini, kita mahu kucing kita bebas bermain di mana sahaja di dalam rumah tetapi bukan di belakang atau di atas TV. Kita mahu dia makan di dalam mangkuk yang disediakan dan tidak mahunya melompat di atas meja makan.

Atau kita mahu kucing bebas bermanja dan bergurau kecuali ketika kita sedang bekerja di hadapan komputer. Perkara sebegini adalah yang dikatakan undang-undang atau peraturan rumah.
Pendapat yang meluas mengatakan kucing kurang mampu mempelajari peraturan rumah. Kepercayaan ini adalah disebabkan kecenderungan kucing yang mahu sesuatu perkara itu mengikut kehendaknya sendiri. Perkara ini adalah benar, tetapi tidaklah benar sepenuhnya.

Kucing adalah binatang yang bijak dan boleh diajar beberapa peraturan dan mungkin juga kemahiran tertentu, jika mereka diajar dengan sabar, konsisten dan bertimbangrasa.
Adalah amat penting jika kita mahu anak kucing mematuhi sesuatu peraturan sehingga ianya dewasa, ia mesti diajar dan dimulakan sejak kecil lagi.

Misalnya kita tidak mahu kucing melompat ke atas meja makan. Ini perlu di ajar semasa kucing itu masih kecil. Cuba elakkan peraturan itu menjadi longgar hanya kerana anak kucing itu kelihatan sangat comel atau kerana kucing itu masih baru di rumah, kemudian menghukumnya pula apabila dia dewasa.

Kucing tidak akan dapat memahami mengapa dia dibenarkan untuk berada di atas meja makan semasa kecil, tetapi dihukum pula atas perlakuan yang sama ketika dewasa.

Sesetengah orang berkongsi katil dan tidur bersama kucingnya. Tetapi bukan semua orang begitu, mungkin anda tidak selesa berkongsi katil kerana kucing anda uka menggigit kaki anda, atau anda mempunyai alahan kecil. Apa sahaja sebabnya, sekadar menutup pintu bilik sahaja mungkin tidak memadai, melainkan kucing itu diajar supaya menjauhi bilik anda dan tidak berteriak apabila pintu ditutup.

Kucing tidak suka pintu yang tertutup. Naluri semulajadinya mendorong mereka untuk menyiasat apa disebalik pintu tersebut, walaupun mereka sudah pun mengetahuinya sebelum ini.
Tetapi seperti mana peraturan-peraturan lain, mengajarnya memerlukan kesabaran, konisisten dan bertimbangrasa. Kucing yang sentiasa dibenarkan berada dalam bilik tidur dan tiba-tiba ditegah akan berkemungkinan besar tidak akan menerima perubahan ini dengan serta-merta (dan mungkin juga memberontak).

Dia mahu bersama anda dan tidak memahami mengapa tiba-tiba tidak dibenarkan berbuat demikian. Dia mungkin menjerit dan berteriak di luar pintu, mencakarnya atau cuba menyelitkan kakinya dibawah celah pintu seolah-olah dia dapat mengangkat pintu itu ke atas supaya dapat melaluinya.
Kita boleh meletakkannya di bilik lain tetapi jeritannya mungkin tidak membenarkan anda untuk tidur dengan nyenyak. Ini adalah contoh mengapa kita perlu tetapkan dahulu peraturan yang perlu dipatuhi oleh kucing sebelum kita memeliharanya.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Best homemade cat toys

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Cats are among the most playful of pets. Amusing them has created a large cat toy industry, and purchased toys can be expensive. Cats, though, often find a makeshift, homemade toy to be the most fun. What are the best homemade cat toys?
One of the most favored homemade toys is the brown paper grocery sack. No matter their age, all cats seem to be enthralled by a paper bag. It can be a hideaway. It makes a crinkling sound when stepped on. It can be moved about with little effort by the cat. When it gets old and worn, just pick up the bag and put it into the recycle.

A cat's instinct to bat an object relates to hunting and working with prey. Any wadded up ball of paper can be a toy but most cats find a tissue paper ball the most fun. It is light enough that a flick of a paw will send it flying across the room or into the air. It has the crinkling sound, which reminds cats of the sounds that rodents make. Depending on the weight of the paper, it may also expand as the paper unwrinkles, providing an ever changing shape for the cat to explore.
Inside many rolls of plastic tape are paper or plastic centers. These objects, when freed of the tape, can roll across a bare floor with a nudge of a cat's nose or a bat of its paw. On a bare floor, they will also make a captivating noise similar to a prey.
A heavy shoelace or a tie from a winter coat makes a string that the cat can enjoy. With this homemade toy, you can have a tug of war with the cat, or it can chase it as you drag it across the floor. To a cat, it may resemble a snake, and they will often pounce repeatedly on it if you make it wiggle on the floor.
Cats also enjoy cardboard boxes. Whether it becomes a place to sleep, a hideaway, or a fixture to jump on and around, a plain cardboard box can hold a cat's interest for quite some time.
Homemade cat toys should meet a few safety criteria. They should be made of things that a cat will not try to eat and large enough to discourage trying. They should not be colored, flavored or coated with materials a cat might lick off or chew off that would hurt the cat. They should be made of materials that do not snag a claw or a tooth, also.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to tell if your pet is stressed

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
If you want to know if your pet is stressed, you need to look and listen. Now that may seem simplistic, but our observations and hearing skills are actually quite vital in determining whether or not a pet is stressed. Our pets will try and tell us if they are upset about something, or if their world is suddenly askew. It's up to us as their caregivers to take notice. Besides, if your pet isn't stressed, maybe he has an undiagnosed physical problem in need of attention, or maybe he's just in need of an extra hug. Remember, too, that many pets don't like a lot of change in their lives, so events like moving or introducing a new family pet to the household might be causing problems. There's always a remedy, but some attentive monitoring is first necessary to evaluate your pet's mental/physical health.
Some things to look for:
*Is your pet behaving abnormally? Was he overt and now he's shy? Is he licking his lips a lot? Is he suddenly spending time alone or in his house?
*Is your pet eating normally? Is he unusually finicky about food? Is he throwing it up? Does he just not have any appetite at all?
*Does your pet have diarrhea or similar problems?
Some things to listen for:
*Has your pet's vocal sounds changed? Is he barking for no reason? Is he meowing non-stop? Is the bark/meow suddenly aggressive, or is there a tone present that you haven't heard before?
*Is your dog growling or your cat snarling more and without a good cause?
*Is your pet making whimpering noises or other sounds that they haven't before?
Looking and listening for these things are crucial to making sure your pet is living a happy and unstressed life. It's important to find out if stress is the reason because, for example, you certainly don't want to stop your dog from growling should an intruder be lurking. By scolding your dog for excessive growling, you risk hampering his protective instincts and responses. So don't reprimand your dog for the growl until you ascertain its cause. Likewise, if your pet suddenly shies away from people, you don't want to upset him more by forcing the issue. Something is wrong, and you need to find out what it is.
Our pets may not be able to speak English to us, but if we listen to their tones and methods of communication, we can learn when they aren't feeling their best, either emotionally or physically. Look and listen and then ascertain the causes. Once you've eliminated any potential physical reasons or other causes, you can proceed to help un-stress your pet. Remember, pets are family and they rely on us, just as we rely on them.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why some people always look bad in photographs

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Three, two, one, click!
... ew. 
Do you hear this often? Is it coming out of your mouth, or perhaps those of people around you? If so then you might not be terribly photogenic, an unfortunate debilitation from which many suffer. And, unlike other disorders, this one may prove uncurable.
Some people just don't work in pictures. It's sad, really: they may be perfectly attractive or outstanding in real life, but once that camera comes in something always looks a bit off. And, in some cases, this may not be easy to fix.
There are many reasons why you may look bad in a photograph:
- First, your facial features may naturally cause shadows that lessen the quality of your pictures. A particularly large nose, for example, may constantly place a partial eclipse on your face that will make photographs less-than-desirable. There are ways around this one, though you'll need a lighting kit. Double chins also show up often in pictures, and though this may not bother others it will almost certainly annoy the subject.
- Second, you may have a propensity for posing yourself in odd ways that don't work for a photo. Let someone take a picture of you and make note of how you subconsciously position your body. Is there anything about the pose that may not work in a picture? The person behind the camera is in charge of quality control, so let them tell you what looks best.
- Third, along those same lines, it may be the fault of the photographer. Maybe you've just had a string of bad luck, constantly running into poor photographers. Or, perhaps you consistently use the same one, and they're ALWAYS bad. In either case you need to look for someone with a better sense of proportion and positioning.
- Fourth, the lighting where you get your pictures taken may be bad. This was touched on before, but lighting is important. Poor placement of shadows can age a person by a thousand years, no matter how beautiful they are, and at the same time overexposure of light will quickly ruin a face. There's a careful balance in lighting that must be preserved.
- Fifth, you may be camera shy. Those who don't want to be on camera will seldom arrange their faces in such a way that they'll look good. Their reluctance is all over their face, and often that reluctance does not a good picture make.
- And, sixth, you may simply be over-critical of yourself. Many people consistently dub their pictures worthless and trashy where others would consider them perfectly acceptable. Try to remove that harsh eye for a moment and look at yourself objectively. Really, do they look THAT bad?
There are many other reasons, as well, and in the end getting a good picture may require a lot of tweaking. Ultimately, however, you WILL produce a picture of yourself that you like - it's just a matter of finding the angle that best suits your particular look.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Putus Cinta & Dia Jodoh Sayakah?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
Assalamualaikum ustaz
Ustaz saya baru putus cinta baru-baru ini. dan saya sekarang dalam kesedihan. Teman lelaki saya dipaksa emaknya supaya berkahwin dengan sepupunya. Sedangkan dia terlalu sayangkan saya. Tetapi dia mengambil keputusan mengikut cakap mak dia. Ini cerita saya..
Sebelum saya putus dengan dia, saya ada kenal seorang kawan. Dia pandai melihat persamaan nama kita dan pasangan kita. Bila dia matchkan nama saya dengan teman lelaki saya, dia cakap 50-50..teman lelaki saya berbelah bahagi.
Jadi dia minta saya terus berusaha dan berdoa. Kemudian dia ade suruh saya jampi dekat air dan minum selama 4 hari air tersebut. Dia cakap kalau saya buat..saya akan link dengan hati teman lelaki saya untuk melihat samada teman lelaki saya ada perasaan dengan saya atau tidak. Selepas 4 hari saya rasa jiwa kosong. Kemudian dia mengatakan teman lelaki saya sebenarnya dah tidak memilih saya,tetapi emak dia. Keesokkan harinya teman lelaki saya menhantar sms bahawa dia terpaksa memilih emaknya bukan saya.
Soalan saya.
1)Adakah Allah telah memberikan petunjuk pada saya bahawa dia bukan jodoh saya? Adakah saya boleh terus berdoa supaya jodoh saya ialah teman lelaki saya?
2)Apa yang perlu saya lakukan dimana kawan saya itu mengatakan jodoh saya lambat lagi. adakah boleh saya percaya?
Saya bersimpati atas kerunsingan dan kesedihan yang menimpa saudari. Namun sebelum menjawab soalan yang dikemukan, beberapa perkara asas perlu disedari.
Pertamanya ; Ingin saya ingatkan, cinta sebelum kahwin, khususnya dari jenis ‘cinta mendalam' apabila wujud dalam diri yang jauh dari ilmu, kenipisan iman serta pergaulan bebas adalah KUNCI Syaitan merosakkan iman. Kerosakan dengan amat mudah menyelinap masuk melalui perkataan sang pecinta, tulisannya & lebih merbahaya merasuk perbuatan mereka. Mata, telinga mereka menjadi buta dan pekak dari segala jenis nasihat baik dari manusia ramai, mereka seolah melayang di dunia berasingan. Akhirnya pemiliknya kerap tersesat di pertengahan jalan.
Kesimpulannya, ‘cinta sebelum kahwin‘ lebih banyak membawa maksiat & keburukan berbanding kebaikan buat pasangan terlibat. Tambahan iu, ia juga BUKAN merupakan punca @ sumber bagi kebahagian rumahtangga (jika dibina sekalipun). malah ia mungkin punca keberantakannya.
Kerana itu di dalam Islam, jika bertunang jangan lama agar perkahwinan itu yang kekal lama. Jika bertunang jangan ber'dating' berdua-duaan kerana ia punca pasangan tidak akan setia.

Keduanya ; Saudari perlu bertaubat dengan sebenar-benar taubat  kerana telah melakukan perkara perbuatan syirik apabila mempercayai tukang tilik bomoh yang menilik perkara ghaib melalui tilikan nama.
Lebih buruk implikasinya pula apabila saudari dan teman lelaki mempercayainya, sehingga mengamalkan amalan syirik yang dibekalkan oleh bomoh syirik itu ( iaitu jampi air dan minum untuk ‘link' hati). Ini tidak lain hanyalah penipuan, kesyirikan dan dosa yang maha besar. Bagi mereka yang mati sebelum sempat bertuabt dari dosa syirik, tempat mereka adalah neraka buat selama-lamanya moga dijauhkan oleh Allah swt. Justeru, segeralah menyedari dan kembalikan kewarasan fikiran dan iman saudari  yang mungkin sedang rosak akibat ‘virus cinta' tersebut.
Ketiganya : Berkenaan soalan saudari :

1)    Segala dakwaan bahawa dia jodoh saudari atau bukan adalah tidak boleh dipakai sama sekali. Malah jika benar dia berkahwin dengan wanita lain sekalipun, jodoh masih sentiasa terbuka. Tidak mustahil saudari masih lagi merupakannya jodohnya, jika bukan sebegai isteri pertama, mungkin sahaja berkahwin sebagai isteri kedua, tiga atau empat. Jika tidak pun, pintu  kebarangkalian masih ada untuk menjadi isterinya selagi si dia masih hidup, mungkin jodoh itu akan bertemu setelah 20 tahun akan datang. Semuanya adalah ketentuan Allah swt dan tiada siapa boleh meramalknya, menafikan atau mendakwa jodoh atau tidak.
2)    Berdoa untuk dikurniakan jodoh dengan seseorang adalah diizinkan oleh Islam. Tiada sebarang dalil yang melarang doa untuk memperolehi sesuatu kebaikan sama ada dunia dan akhirat. Doa untuk dijodohkan dengan seseorang yang dicintai, termasuk di dalam doa untuk mendapat kebaikan dunia. Ia diizinkan dengan syarat dilakukan dengan betul, faham dan bersungguh tanpa disertai kepercayaan syirik, jampi mentera karut marut dan ramalan syirik.
Namun demikian, adalah lebih baik untuk saudari memikirkan bahawa ‘kumbang bukannya seekor', malah mungkin yang jauh lebih baik dari si dia. Tiadalah perlu menyusahkan diri dengan terlalu ‘terikat' dan ‘terpahat' kepada seorang lelaki sahaja. Justeru, adalah lebih baik untuk berdoa agar Allah swt mengurniakan jodoh yang lebih baik dari si dia yang telah terhenti di separuh jalannya. Sebagaimana Ummu Salamah diajar berdoa untuk mendapat yang lebih baik dari suaminya yang syahid, akhirnya beliau dilamar oleh baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. Ya, jauh lebih baik dari seorang sahabat.
3)    Jangan percaya kepada kawan saudari yang jahil lagi syirik itu. Lambat atau cepatnya jodoh tidak boleh diramal. Apa yang penting, Allah swt mengurniakan kepada kita iktihar dan usaha, maka berusaha secara halal untuk memperolehi jodoh yang terbaik buat diri.

Sekian dan semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan.

Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
1 Ogos 2009

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

What Do Cat Feels About Rules or Cat's Philosophy

Sunday, August 1, 2010
  1. All rules can be broken when you feel like it.
  2. Don't worry about vet bills, someone else will pay.
  3. Know where the sock drawer is for those catnaps.
  4. Help with jigsaw puzzles.
  5. Sniff every stranger.
  6. Be astonishingly mysterious.
  7. When in doubt, chase something.
  8. Don't play in plastic bags.
  9. Ignore your mistakes.
  10. When in doubt, let your tail do the talking.
  11. Never sleep alone.
  12. Curtains are for climbing only.
  13. All chairs belong to the cat of the house.
  14. Baths are for Dogs!
  15. Feeding time is when YOU want to be fed.
  16. Go absolutely berserk for no apparent reason.
  17. Scratching humans and furniture is a no-no.
  18. Try to keep that mouse alive for your human.
  19. Make the world your playground.
  20. Whenever you miss the sandbox, cover it up. Dragging a sock over it helps.
  21. If you can't get your way, lay across the keyboard till you do.
  22. When you are hungry, meow loudly so they feed you just to shut you up.
  23. Always find a good patch of sun to nap in.
  24. Nap often.
  25. When in trouble, just purr and look cute.
  26. Life is hard, and then you nap.
  27. Curiosity never killed anything except maybe a few hours.
  28. When in doubt, cop an attitude.
  29. Variety is the spice of life. One day, ignore people; the next day, annoy them.
  30. Climb your way to the top, that's why the curtains are there.
  31. Make your mark in the world, or at least spray in each corner.
  32. Always give generously; a bird or rodent left on the bed tells them, "I care".

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